Prof. Dr. Fred Mast

Head of Cognitive Psychology, Perception and Research Methods; Ordinarius

D 368
University of Bern
Department of Psychology
Fabrikstrasse 8
CH-3012 Bern

Short Vita

I was born and raised in Wil (Eastern Switzerland). I studied Psychology, Philosophy and Neurophysiology at the University of Zürich where I also obtained my PhD. I taught Perception, Cognition, Psychophysics and Neuroscience at the University of Zürich and at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ). In 1998 I became a Research Associate at the Department of Psychology at Harvard University, Cambridge, USA. At the same time I have had a part-time appointment at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). A professorship from the Swiss National Science Foundation ("Förderungsprofessur") made me return to Switzerland and I have joined the Faculty of Arts at the University of Zürich. I obtained my Habilitation ("venia legendi") in 2003 and became full professor ("professeur ordinaire") for Cognitive Psychology at the University of Lausanne (2005-2008). During that time I was also responsible coordinator for "Cognitive Psychology" at the "Collège des Humanités", Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL). Since 2008 I am full professor at the University of Bern where I am directing the newly founded section "Cognitive Psychology, Perception, and Research Methods". I was invited professor at York University in Toronto and at the Institute of Neuroscience at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai. My research is concerned with mental imagery, sensorimotor processing, and visual perception, and it is regularly funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (see research projects for more information). I was Dean of the Human Sciences Faculty (2015-17), and I am currently Co-Director of the Interfacultary Research Cooperation "Decoding Sleep" of the University of Bern. Although I was fortunate to have many outstanding teachers, my most influential mentors were Norbert Bischof (Zurich) and Stephen Kosslyn (Harvard).

  • Leiter der Technologieplattform der Phil.-hum. Fakultät der Universität Bern (seit 2019)
  • Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung Translational Imaging Center (TIC) Bern (seit 2019)
  • Mitglied des Leitungspanels Nebenfach Neurowissenschaft (seit 2018)
  • Ko-Leitung der interfakultären Forschungskooperation Decoding Sleep (seit 2018)


Frühere Aufgaben:

  • Dekan der Phil.-hum. Fakultät (2015-2017)
  • Qualitätsbeauftragter der Phil.-hum. Fakultät (2017-2022)
  • Geschäftsführender Direktor des Instituts für Psychologie (2012-2015)